The Early Access forums are exclusively for the use of Air Hauler 2 Early Access purchasers (full or upgrade).

Once you have ordered Air Hauler 2 Early Access, you will be able to login to the Early Access forums using your email address as the username, and the JFL order number as the password. You received your order number when you ordered Air Hauler 2 Early Access and can find the order number in the automated email receipt that we sent to you when your order was placed (it's also shown in your Just Flight account)

The forum can be accessed at - once you are there, click Login, and then login with your email address (as the username) and the Air Hauler 2 Early Access order number (as the password). Once you have logged in you can update your login details.

If you need additional help with accessing the forums, or your login doesn't appear to be working, please contact our customer support team using the link below.