DC Designs - Concorde (MSFS2020)
Product Changelog
Latest Update: 2025/02/13 The below log shows all updates for this product since release: v1.1.0 - Corrected COM SWAP button location - Corrected FM...
Thu, 13 Feb, 2025 at 12:34 PM
The WASM gauges required to model Concorde's INS do not work on Xbox at this time. The INS will be added later when this is possible.
Because the real Concorde didn't either. In summer, the upper atmosphere was often warm enough that Mach 2 was not possible. MSFS is realistic enough i...
Nor would the real Concorde if it was flown like that. A proper climb profile is required, as per the manual and checklist instructions. Concorde has to be...
Yes, it will. 408,000lbs is the maximum - Concorde has slightly more tank capacity than fuel, to allow that fuel to move around. If you just fill it to 10...
Congratulations, you're supersonic, and out-pacing your own sound.
These will be improved in a future update, now that the airplane is functional. We often like to improve our airplanes over time.
You're still too fuel-heavy. Concorde often didn't reach her maximum altitude and velocity until the end of her flight, when much of the fuel had be...
It will. The problem is that MSFS likes an airplane to intercept a localiser as far from the airport as possible. Accurate intercepts for ILS in this manner...