Latest Update: 11/02/2020

The below log shows all updates for this product since release:


FSX-P3Dv3 Installer fix

- Fixed unintentional overwriting of dll.xml

Carriers Extended! v2.0

- Modifications to allow catapult launches of Aerosoft's F-14 Extended

- Added improved presets for Aerosoft F-14 Extended

- Stability fixes and improvements

- Added options for centerline/approach lights to allow use in other ship classes


Carriers Extended! v2.0

- Fixed broken hook and launch bar presets for VRS Superbug

- Added preset for Dino Cattaneo's TA-4J Skyhawk

- Fixed Access Denied pop-up when exiting the simulator


Carriers Extended! v2.0

- Added correct presets for Dino Cattaneo's aircraft


- Upgraded DLLs to CEXv2.0

- Added physical properties for all carriers to enable moving deck

- Improved station keeping AI

- Added properties for NAVAIDs and Autoland systems

- Upgraded configuration file to CEX v2.0 standards

- Prepar3Dv4 only: VLA is now attached to the ship vs part of it

- Added support for Dino Cattaneo's E-2/C-2 package

- Added Shift+Space command to control elevator when on it with parking brakes set

- Added Shift+Space+1/2/3/4 command to remotely control the respective elevator

- Added Shift+Ctrl+. command to tie aircraft down when parking brakes are set


General changes

- Included vLSO 1.0.1 with permission from Serge Luzin

- Full integration with vLSO 1.0.0 and newer

Carriers Extended!

- Improved keyboard response in all CEX menus

- Added support for new CEX TACAN and Carrier ILS

- Added NAVAIDS menu entry, showing frequencies for currently loaded ships/facilities

- Modified carrier launch sequence. The shooter now signals you to run up until you hit the launch key. Then the shooter indicates launch and the plane is shot.

- Increased visibility limits of OLS datum lights

- Improved deck tractor driving physics

- Added Fleet placer utility

-- Removed CEX statics support from carriers placed as scenery, or spawned with other placement apps (i.e. AI Carriers) in order to support more advanced features

-- Option to save parking spaces

-- Spawn ship formations and direct them

-- Warp to deck: select any aircraft or helicopter capable ship and warp to a parking position on their deck

-- Saved flights on AI Carrier: any carrier spawned with Fleet Placer is saved with your flight, so you can start on it the next time you enter the sim

-- Improved station keeping AI

-- Shortcuts for Fleet Placer menus

--- Open Fleet Placer menu: Shift+Ctrl+S

--- Show position of ships: Shift+Ctrl+P

- Aircraft Configuration App

-- Added CEX support for the Payware F-35 from IndiaFoxtEcho and the MilViz F-4S Advanced

-- The following presets are auto-applied upon running

--- SimWorks Studios F-4B/N

--- MilViz F-4J/S (standard & advanced*)

--- RAZBAM A-7 TacPack edition, A-7 Vol.1,2,3, A-6 Intruder

--- Virtavia A-4, E-2, AJ-2, F11F, F4D, F3H, A-6E, EA-6B

--- Alphasim RA-5C, A-3B*

--- Aerosoft F-14A & B

--- Dino’s F-14, S-3,F-35 (freeware & payware), T-45

--- FSX Blue Angels F/A-18C

--- FSXA F/A-18C

--- SOH S-2 Tracker

--- VRS Superbug

- Midway

-- Corrected a glitched texture on a hangar airplane

*May not work 100% accurately due to limitations

The product download in your account is updated as and when updates are released, so if purchasing after any of the given dates your product will include all updates prior to that date.

To download updates you will need to re-download the product from the 'Your Orders' section of your account which you can log into by clicking here.

For guidance on downloading this update, please visit this FAQ.